Flow Like Water

Water Flow Yoga Class

Looking for a challenging, hot, strength building, full-body workout in your yoga practice?  You may be surprised about where to find it! We hear it every day at Namaste Yoga: “Can you make it hotter?” “Stretching is fine, but I need a workout” “Where are the weights?” Many of us are accustomed to taking yoga classes…

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Types of Classes at Namaste Yoga

Types of Classes at Namaste Yoga

At Namaste Yoga in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona, we offer a variety of classes and workshops for all abilities and interests. Our classes are themed to represent the five elements (fire, water, air, space, and earth) and are designed to take you on a sensory journey that transports you out of your daily life and into…

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What to Expect at Your First Hot Yoga Class

People lying on yoga mats in group yoga class

If you are new to hot yoga, we’ve got you covered! Here is everything you need to know before your first class. Going to your first hot yoga class can be intimidating. Maybe you’ve heard that it’s too hard and not suitable for beginners. Perhaps you’re worried that you are too old or too young,…

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